Get to the Bottom of Bullying


Dec 05, 2022

This is my partner Joel.⁠

He is funny, and fun, and creative, and open, and loving, and strong.⁠

And even amidst all of these amazing qualities, our marriage can be quite challenging at times.⁠


Because marriage - or partnership - is a hard thing to do and to maintain.⁠

Joel and I are both “do-ers”. The benefit is that our lives are full - of amazing people, experiences, projects, and excitement. Being a “power couple” can be super exciting a lot of the time.⁠

The downside is that our dreams are so big, that parts of us bump up against each other (and, as Joel would say “not in the good way”).⁠

So… you might be wondering how we get through this - especially since having two driven people in a relationship can be particularly challenging.⁠

To be honest - sometimes it’s not graceful. We yell, we storm off (and not in the “I just need a little space right now” healthy way). We can both be passive aggressive, or say things that we regret in the future.⁠

Having 3 small kids, 4 businesses, a house and all the responsibilities that come with these things don’t always result in us being our best zen-like selves.⁠

But, when we ARE doing well, we are able to figure things out. We go to therapy (we have 3 therapists and 2 energy healers between us!). But, I think that our success comes from the foundation of choosing to work it out, and, wanting the other partner to feel good. ⁠

From that place, we are able to stick with the hard conversations, be honest about our part, and move to a better place.⁠

What I have been learning, especially this past year, is that if I can find my strong & kind voice, these hard parts untangle much more quickly.⁠

If you want to learn more about this "strong and kind" voice, I'm launching a course on November 1st to teach women how to find it, use it, and make necessary shifts in their lives!⁠

#findyourvoicecourse #strongandkind #marriage #partnership #staycalm #findyourvoicefindyourpower #kathleenhilchey #joelhilchey #love #conflict #conflictmanagement #conflictcoaching


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